Our Purpose
Our primary purpose is to use shooting sports as a vehicle to effectively prepare and build up Godly young men and women to be the future leaders, parents, and citizens of America. To facilitate this purpose youth on our team learn the safe and responsible handling and use of firearms; discover the joy of contributing to a shared team goal; and experience the privilege of serving others in our community.
Second is to promote the safe and responsible use of all types of firearms and range equipment by facilitating formal and informal training for youths and their parents/guardians.Third is to promote the safe enjoyment of all areas of shooting sports by facilitating formal and informal shooting activities for youth and their parents / guardians


The Scholastic Action Shooting Program is part of SSSF, the Scholastic Shooting Sports Foundation. SASP Steel shooting is centered around 4 courses of fire, shot from a static position, under the supervision of the Range Officer. The shooter's performance is based on the time he or she has taken to shoot all targets, with misses resulting in time penalties.

You can read more on their website here.
Any mature youth (10 years and up) who meets the following requirements may join our team.
- You must be a full-time student (public, private, home school or college) to join the team.
- All youth members must complete NRA Basic Pistol Training conducted by our team coaches prior to practicing with the team.
- Youth ages 10 - 13 must have a parent or guardian present at all practices and competitions. Parents and adult guardians are encouraged to become NRA Certified Range Safety Officers through our program.
- Youth 14 and older must actively participate in a Youth Leadership position on the team.
New team members are required to pay a one-time joining fee of $200. This joining fee includes the cost of the team jersey, practice t-shirt, first year entry into SASP and NRA Basic Pistol Training and materials. Shooters provide their own ammunition, but discounted ammunition can be purchased at our cost at all practices.
There are no monthly club dues, however shooters are expected to pay their way on the team through community service. In exchange for the community service, Lone Star Shooters has arranged for sponsors, through donations to cover individual fees for range time, team firearms, targets and general team expenses. These sponsorships averaged over $1,700 per shooter last year.... and are 100% FREE to Lone Star Shooter youth who complete their community service requirements.
Each team member is required to perform at least 10 hours of community service per quarter to remain on the team (most serve much more). These service hours can be performed as a team, through your church or through a youth service organization like Boy Scouts, Trail Life USA, American Heritage Girls, Girl Scouts or 4H.
Rimfire .22 caliber pistol and rimfire rifle (optics / iron sites). The guns used in speed shooting are semi-automatic. Optics are not allowed for pistol competitions in our sport.
Live fire practices are held at Trinity Armory Range 2152 CR 388 Cleveland, TX 77328 on Sunday afternoons during the school year starting at 2:30 and ending at 6:00.

If you have questions, please email us at info@LoneStarShootersClub.org